For many of us, a car is essential to keeping daily life running smoothly. So, nothing throws a wrench in the routine like an unexpected problem and subsequent repair.
Sure, some issues are inevitable—maybe you hit a pothole and wreck your rim and tire. But the truth is, many are easily preventable. And we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to those preventable issues.
It’s easier than you think to keep your car healthy and on the road. Here are six simple things you can do to ward off unexpected trips to the repair shop.
~1 Oil changes: Find your frequency—The old adage of changing oil every three months or 3,000 miles still holds true for many a used car, but a lot of newer vehicles are engineered to go even longer than that. Bottom line: Stick to the frequency suggested in your owners’ manual to keep your car running ... well, like a well-oiled machine.
~2 Regular maintenance: Stay on schedule—Nearly all owners’ manuals include a recommended maintenance schedule. You’ll typically see suggestions for specific services at 30,000 miles, 60,000 miles, and 90,000 miles. Bottom line: Review your vehicle’s maintenance schedule and follow it.
~3 Warning lights: When in doubt, get it checked out—If a warning light appears on your dash, have it diagnosed right away. It might be something minor that can wait, but it could also be the first sign of a bigger problem that you could nip in the bud, saving yourself a major hassle and price tag. Bottom line: Get any warning lights checked immediately; it can be the difference between a minor fix and major repair.
~4 Unusual noises: Listen up—Once a week, turn your phone off and radio down. Listen for any new or unusual noises. They might be challenging to discern at first, but over time, you’ll get used to how your vehicle sounds and will notice anything out of the ordinary. Bottom line: Familiarizing yourself with your car’s sounds will help you know when something is amiss, and you could prevent a small problem from becoming a big one.
~5 Tires: Make a full rotation—Rotating your tires extends their life and gives your auto technician a chance to check your brakes, struts, tie rods, etc. Bottom line: You’ll get better performance and more miles out of your tires. Plus, you could learn about potential maintenance needs before they become a problem.
~6 Peace-of-mind: Ask for a once-over—Finally, every so often, ask your auto technician to give your vehicle a thorough once-over (they’ll check things like your air filters, fluid levels, brake and fuel lines, exhaust system, and more). Bottom line: Most techs will let you know what needs to be addressed now and what can wait a while longer, so you get the peace-of-mind of knowing where things stand.
You don’t need to be a master technician—like my husband—to keep your car healthy. Smart maintenance means following a few simple tips.